Воронежский Государственный природный Биосферный Заповедник имени В.м. Пескова

Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russian Federation


V. Peskov
Voronezhsky State
Nature Biosphere Reserve

+7(473)269-44-85; 259-45-48; 259-45-60; 210-66-20;

In case of fire, poaching and other reserve rules violations



Tired of the hustle and bustle of the city?

What can really take you away from it all is ecotourism.

The journey to the Nature will give you a chance to get away from the daily routine and have a perfect rest.

Travelers who choose ecotourism are responsible consumers interested in environmental sustainability.

Welcome to the Voronezhsky Biosphere Reserve!

Not only will you enjoy the Usman pine forest flora and fauna here but you will also learn how to be responsible for the environment.

You will find plenty activities to do here in the Voronezhsky Biosphere Reserve. If you are feeling hungry, there is a good on-site café. There is also a comfortable hotel on the territory of the Reserve, just in case if spending here one day is not enough for you.
